Various sketches of various things by Alex Munn (back to About )

These are personal projects/unsolicited fan art, inspired by various books, stories, movies, etc.


reading a book on early oil drilling in California



Landscape practice



Landscape practice



Bierstadt fan art



I just read this great book Chip Wars by Chris Miller, so I did some reasearch, trying to do a rough visual time line of early developments



old computers I remember using as a kid



Not fond of big spiders, and I remember these two as having been particularly creepy.





Drove through Bodega Bay recently



This movie is crazy!












based on Stephen Crane's personal story Open Boat from 1897



David Grann's The Wager



I was reading about the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, here's what I came up with



John Deere fan art doodle



Lovecraft's Dunwich Horror



The Call of Cthulhu



David Mitchell's The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet



Dan Simmons' Drood


Mario Vargas Llosa's Death in the Andes


1970s donut shop


more donuts, present day



Did this a while back, looking at old vintage holiday recipes/ads (there's a game design in there somewhere!)


doodling over an old sketch (question: can the bee pick up the taxi?)