Office UE4 Level (personal project)


UPDATE 3: I've been working on the creatures, playing around with importing a skeletal mesh, animation and setting up a blueprint actor.

Maya rig, Sub. Painter pass:


UPDATE 2: I got tired of the UE default guy, so I made a quick temp model to fit the UE default skeleton and replaced the default mannequin mesh. And here are some sketches of where it might go (At first I was thinking some 'everyman' office worker, but seemed like a vintage-looking science explorer dude would be cooler, have more options for gameplay).



UPDATE 1: So I took the original room and started building out a full-fledged level.To the Sales dept./Kitchen area I added some transition halls, elevators, stairs then a second floor with Data Processing dept, and above that a totally monster-infested hive. Still very WIP art but having fun with the design.





Some recent quick sketches



I decided to get back into Unreal and Substance Designer recently, so I built this little scene in UE4 to test some of the materials I was working on. Of course I couldn't resist building out the room with some quick props and big hole in the corner. Hmmm, what's down there?



Some of the materials (Sub. Designer, rendered in Marmoset toolbag)

ceiling tiles w emissive channel


Some quick props in Maya, baked some details, then PBR textures made in photoshop:

In level:

added coffee cups/stains:


This started as a materials test scene w some vintage furniture, but I couldn't help think about what it might be if you expanded into a game level, what the setting is, etc.




Copyright 2024 Alex Munn